1 on 1 Personal training sessions help you to achieve results fast which last. Currenct location available: Perth, WA
1 on 1 Personal training
Personal 1 on 1 training is the best way to see results fast with maximal focus on technique and performance. It gives you personal approach from your trainer and every training is 100% customized to clients goals, time, physical and psychical conditions. This approach can bring fast results which lasts. Every session takes 45-60 mins so we have enough time to run healthy sessions injury free. Sessions can take place in your preferable area outdoor or indoor in our gym in CBD. If any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on zfitness.pt@gmail.com or our facebook page facebook.com/zfitness.pt
In case you are not 100% satisfied with our service you can claim a refund of your last session. This typicaly needs to be done within 3 working days after your session. We will assess your complaint within 7 days and provide a refund for your last session if assessed positively. Please contact our customer service on zfitness.pt@gmail.com or facebook page facebook.com/zfitness.pt if any questions or complaints.